

About what?

About me? About this website? About the Latin root of the magic missile spell?

Probably not. See, here’s the thing. I’m this guy, and I do stuff. I do quite a lot of stuff, really.

Some days I’m a Photographer.

Some days I’m an Actor.

Some days I’m a Comedian.

Some days I’m a Journalist.

Some days I’m a Writer.

And some day, I’m just a nerd who loves movie, books, video games, action figures, NERF guns and Dungeons & Dragons.

Each of these versions of me has their own outlets, I put my photographs up on flickr, I make jokes and take quotes on Tumblr and Twitter, I write reviews and news and Features on Spell Checked*, I act in places you’ve never heard of and this is where I put everything I do that falls under ‘writing’. Mainly creative, short stories, the occasional poem. Sometimes longer, ongoing stories, sometimes just bits from things I wrote long ago and never got around to fleshing out or finishing. Who knows.

Let’s see where this takes us. With any luck, the Notebook will turn into a kind of bookshop.

A genteel black hole, that knows how to read.

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